I’m sorry, what?

‘ning all.

This is a blog devoted to all things science-y, currently being set up and written by me, Gavin, with the eventual hope that I can rope in a few friends to post too.  Between us I hope we will be able to cover quite a broad range of the biological sciences, and a few other areas too, in a fairly balanced manner.

It’s also meant to be easy to follow, without being patronising, and have a healthy dose of light-hearted humour… possibly…

So, what’s the point?

Well, the creation of this blog was inspired in part by Ben Goldacre of Bad Science fame, and partly by years of moaning about poor journalism and the general bad information and misinformation out there that deliberately mislead Joe Public, sending themwandering down the garden path about various matters of science.

I mean, c’mon!

You deserve better than that don’t you?  You want to know the truth, you want to know what’s really going on and not be patronised by people who think you can’t follow the real facts and understand what they mean.  Those condescending cock-weasels!  How dare they!  You should be angry!

I aim to write about some current affairs, but also some grass-roots science, based on articles in current journals.  I’m not going to say I won’t lose it and rant occasionally, be disproportionally outraged, or get things wrong myself, but I do promise to be as honest as I possibly can (without being libellous… ).

Who am I/are we:

Gavin (writing in the third person, which feels odd) is a fully house trained scientist sporting a very fashionable degree in Medical Biochemistry (a BSc not one of those BA jobbies) complete with lab coat, goggles and ink stained pockets.  He currently works in industry in drug development and safety testing for biologics (drugs like therapeutic antibodies, recombinant proteins and vaccines), mostly in support of the various phases of clinical trials and largely in measuring and monitoring immune responces to them.  He is also an appalling, but aspiring, photographer.

Potential Victim 1 has recently completed their DPhil from Oxford University and better bloody agree to help me out with this by writting their own pieces.

Potential Victim 2 also received their DPhil from Oxford University and could, I hope, potentially be bullied into writing for this.

You can get hold of me/us here, should you feel the need: bumperfunscienceblog@googlemail.com.

One response

5 05 2009
Ahoy-hoy « The Bumper Fun Blog of Science

[…] I’m sorry, what? […]

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